Several years ago, this blog focused most of its attention on the good things about small churches. These blog posts were compiled into a book called "The Beauty of the Small Church." One pastor was kind enough to have good things to say about my book.
In March, 2008, a nationwide small church conference (the first of its kind) was hosted by me at Lewisville Baptist Church in Lewisville, NC. This conference was sponsored by Lifeway, NAMB, and IMB. We had an attendance of about 150 pastors from 15 states. The topics presented at the conference was strictly small church based. Our conference speakers included Tom Elliff, Alvin Reid, Frank Page and several others. Having spent many hours as an advocate for the small church, I am pleased to see others taking the small church message to heart. A small church pastor, Dave Miller, was elected as 2nd VP of the SBC in 2012.
Much progress has been made but there is much left to do.