
Recently, I retired from full-time ministry. As I have been reflecting on the past 22 years of ministry, I have regrets. 

I have been blogging since 2005. I used to publish two or three articles per week. Most of my articles dealt with SBC issues such as lack of small church representation, criticism of entities and their leaders, etc. But the majority of my blog was directed at Calvinism and Calvinists. I spent a lot of time for a lot of years fighting Calvinism. I thought its theology was an abomination and there was no place for it in the SBC, therefore I sought to eradicate it. 

There was a lot of bad blood on both sides in those days. Ministries were damaged, careers were destroyed, reputations were sullied. I see now that as hard as the Calvinist/non-Calvinist war was fought, no one won. We all lost. No amount of debate changed anybody's mind. 

Due to some major issues in my life in 2010, I decided to quit blogging and deleted my blog posts from 2006 through 2010. 

In 2011, I noticed issues in the SBC that concerned me so I rebooted my blog and continued my battle against Calvinism. 

Now that I have the hindset of time, I am grieved by the division caused by many of my blog articles. I have had the opportunity to work alongside of my brother Calvinist pastors. I discovered that they were doing what I was trying to do: spread the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all who will trust in Him. That is the most important task for us all. Although we may have a few differences in theology, to me, they are not of such a consequence that I cannot love them, support their ministries, and pray for them. To me, this is no longer an Us vs Them battle. It is going forth together in the name of the Lord Jesus to accomplish His will. 

Therefore, I have scrubbed my blog of any posts that I felt were divisive and critical of my Calvinist pastor brothers. 

In addition, I have reached out privately to those whom I believed that I hurt the most. I asked for their forgiveness and they have graciously granted it. 

At this time, I want to apologize and ask your forgiveness if I have done, said, or written anything that has been divisive to the SBC, detrimental to ministries, personal attacks, or any other injury in which I have inflicted. 

I do not wish for people to pat me on the back for trying to be repentant. It is not I who should be complimented but those who choose to grant forgiveness. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I pray that God will use it for His glory. 

Now that I'm retired, I plan to blog more often. It is my intention to be an encourager to those who read my writings. 

Thank you so much for serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That is what it's all about. May we gather together, put aside our differences and go forth in the name of the Lord Jesus to evangelize and disciple as many as will respond to the gospel.
